A blog post about British birds
appreciating my dear friends in the UK!
A recipe for recording videos (frequently updated)
A recipe for matplotlib figures
How I make my figures fancier 😌
The difficulties of typing Arabic text in latex
TL;DR - Use babel with pdflatex!
A dump of useful Latex commands
A (non-exhaustive) digital backup for latex packages/ commands that I found useful someday! (Last updated - Jan 2025)
خواطر عمروية عن اللغة العربية - (١) الهمزات
رحلتي مع الهمزات من فقدان الأمل إلي محاولة التمعن
My two cents on numpy broadcasting
What's new to me about Twitter API
h-index 101
A simple way to think of how h-index is computed
My list of the best pip packages
Useful Python packages that I use/have used
List of tips and tricks for using linux commands
A set of linux commands that I find useful (Last updated Dec 2023!)
Arabic NLP resources
A non-exhaustive list of linguistic Arabic resources online
My regex cheatsheet
A set of regex related tips/concepts
Google Code Jam 2019 Challenge
A challenge with my undergraduate students