• printlen: To print the length of text width (6.3 for LREC template) - documentation
  • Use \protect before \cite to add citations into captions
  • Use \onslide within \begin{overprint} for values replacing each others
  • Square brackets are for optional values, curly braces are for obligatory ones
  • Use \phantom to hide text or graphics while reserving the space
  • For changing the header/footer
    \fancyhead[LO,LE]{HEADER TEXT} \\ LO = Left Odd "page", LE = Left Even "page"
  • For typing IPA characters, use a package called tipa
  • This webpage has a list of greek symbols that is quite handy!
  • To insert a full citation in a paper (thesis!) while using natbib:

    Then, use \bibentry{ENTRY_KEY}.

  • More information about the different bib entries: https://bibtex.eu/types/